Dl. Dorin Popescu este prof. dr. ing. în domeniul Mecatronică şi Robotică la Universitatea din Craiova. A absolvit Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Electrotehnică în anul 1989 cu titlul de inginer în specializarea Automatizări şi Calculatoare. Este doctor din anul 2001 în domeniul Automatică avându-l coordonator pe prof. dr. ing. Mircea Ivănescu de la Universitatea din Craiova. În cadrul Facultăţii de Automatică, Calculatoare şi Electronică predă următoarele cursuri: Sisteme mecatronice, Automate și microprogramare, Structuri mecatronice cu automate programabile, Robotica și Realitate virtuale.
Activitatea sa de cercetare este concentrată în domeniul roboticii, mecatronicii, reţelelor neuronale artificiale, partajării resurselor via Internet. Este autorul a peste 80 de articole ştiinţifice şi a 6 cărţi şi manuale. De-a lungul activităţii a organizat Conferinţa EAEEIE 2006 la Craiova fiind conference co-chair, este membru de peste 10 ani al Consiliului European al asociaţiei EAEEIE, membru IEEE, SRR, SRAIT.
A coordonat studenţi pentru participarea la diverse concursuri naţionale studenţeşti (Concursul de proiecte de diploma organizat de firma SMC, Zilele Educaţiei Mecatronice, Să cunoaștem mecatronica și robotica – SCMR, etc.), 11 studenţi coordonaţi obţinând premiul I, 11 studenți premiul II, 13 studenți premiul III.
A fost de asemenea editor/recenzor la conferinte (EAEEIE, SINTES, IARIA, IASTED etc.), reviste(RAS) sau cărți. A participat în peste 15 proiecte de cercetare sau educaţionale naţionale şi internaţionale, precum: EIE-Surveyor, ELLEIEC, EURON, SINPHA, PRIC, PARSIR, etc. Un alt aspect semnificativ îl constituie colaborările cu firme precum SMC, CIT Automatizări, Festo, SC Electrostim SRL, Valrom, ROBCON etc.
Automate si microprogramare
Sisteme mecatronice
Structuri mecatronice cu automate programabile
Robotica si fabricatie virtuale
Aplicatii SCADA
Cărţi si capitole în cărţi publicate în ultimii 10 ani (2014-2023)
1. Popescu Dorin s.a., Actualitati in evaluarea mersului uman cu aplicatii in ingineria biomedicala,
Editura Discobolul, Bucuresti, 2014, autor 38 pag., (coordonator al intregului volum 419 pag.),
ISBN 978-606-8294-85-8.
2. Marin, M.I., Popescu, D., Burileanu, A.H., Rusu, L. (2023). Dynamic Functional Stability Analysis
of Gait After Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) Reconstruction. In: Tarnita, D., Dumitru, N.,
Pisla, D., Carbone, G., Geonea, I. (eds) New Trends in Medical and Service Robotics. Mechanisms
and Machine Science, vol 133. Springer, Cham., pp 269–278.
3. Popescu Dorin, Manta Florin, Rusu Ligia, Avramescu Taina, Zăvăleanu Mihaela, “Upper Limb
Rehabilitation Robotic System Requirements Analysis”, Advances in Service and Industrial
Robotics - Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Robotics in Alpe-Adria-Danube
Region, RAAD 2017, pp. 919-927, ISBN 978-3-319-61275-1. WOS:000434201700098
4. Dorin Popescu, Cristian Petre Copilusi, Horatiu Roibu, Ligia Rusu, Mihnea Ion Marin, „Human
Upper Limb Motions Video Analysis used for Rehabilitation Robotics”, editura Springer, in
volumul „Applied Physics, System Science and Computers II” (Volume 489 of the Lecture Notes
in Electrical Engineering series).
5. Marin M., Popescu D., Rusu L., Copilusi C., „Human Upper Limb Experimental Analysis for
Complex Motions used in Robotics”, editura Scientific Net, in volumul Applied Mechanics and
Materials, „Achievements and Solutions in Mechanical Engineering”, volumul 880, pag. 136-141,
2018; doi: https://doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMM.880
6. Dorin Popescu, Mircea Ivanescu, Razvan Popescu, Anca Petrisor, Livia-Carmen Popescu and Ana-
Maria Bumbea, „Post-stroke Hand Rehabilitation Using a Wearable Robotic Glove”, Smart
Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Vol. 60, Innovation in Medicine and Healthcare 2016, pp.
259-268, ISBN 978-3-319-39687-3, DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-39687-3. WOS:000389807400025
Lucrări indexate ISI/BDI publicate în ultimii 10 ani (2014-2023)
1. Copilusi Cristian, Marco Ceccarelli, Sorin Dumitru, Ionut Geonea, Alexandru Margine, and Dorin
Popescu. 2023. "A Novel Exoskeleton Design and Numerical Characterization for Human Gait
Assistance" Machines 11, no. 10: 925. https://doi.org/10.3390/machines11100925 (IF:2,6). ISSN: 2075-
1702, WOS:001089966700001
2. Pană Cristina Floriana, Dorin Popescu, and Virginia Maria Rădulescu. 2023. "Patent Review of Lower
Limb Rehabilitation Robotic Systems by Sensors and Actuation Systems Used" Sensors 23, no. 13: 6237.
https://doi.org/10.3390/s23136237 (IF:3,9). ISSN: 1424-8220, WOS:001031060600001
3. D. Popescu, L. Rusu, M. Marian, H. Roibu and G. M. Michi, "A Case Study of Engaging PhD
Students in Applied Research," 2023 32nd Annual Conference of the European Association for Education
in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE), Eindhoven, Netherlands, 2023, Page 71-76, doi:
10.23919/EAEEIE55804.2023.10181508; WOS:001035580700015
4. D. Popescu, L. Rusu, F. Manta, C. Pana, C. Copilusi and M. I. Marin, "Medical and technical
requirements analysis for lower limb rehabilitation system," 2023 24th International Carpathian Control
Conference (ICCC), Miskolc-Szilvásvárad, Hungary, 2023, pp. 341-346, doi:
5. Enescu, N.I., Mancas, D.-V., Cojocaru, D., Popescu, D., Manta, L.F., „IoT module for a metrological
calibration and verification system to support the Smart City vision. Implementation in urban transport”,
Proceedings of the 2023 24th International Carpathian Control Conference, ICCC 2023, 2023, pp.
6. D. Popescu, M. Marian and E. Ganea, "Online Engineering Education in Times of Pandemic – A Case
Study," 2022 31st Annual Conference of the European Association for Education in Electrical and
Information Engineering (EAEEIE), Coimbra, Portugal, 2022, Page 62-67, doi:
10.1109/EAEEIE54893.2022.9820029. (IEEEXplore). WOS:000863031500012
7. E. Ganea, M. Marian and D. Popescu, "Administrative Challenges Faced During Online Teaching and
Learning in the Context of the Coronavirus Pandemic," 2022 31st Annual Conference of the European
Association for Education in Electrical and Information Engineering (EAEEIE), Coimbra, Portugal,
2022, Page 51-56, doi: 10.1109/EAEEIE54893.2022.9820265. (IEEEXplore). WOS:000863031500010
8. Dorin Popescu, Horatiu Roibu, Florin-Liviu Manta, Alina-Florentina Ciltan, Andrei Dragomir, “LET’S
LEARN ROBOTICS AND MECHATRONICS”, EDULEARN21, 13th annual International Conference
on Education and New Learning Technologies, 5 – 7 July, 2021, EDULEARN21 Proceedings, Pages:
8782-8791, ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2 / ISSN: 2340-1117, doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2021.1768.
9. Dorin Popescu, Horatiu Roibu, Nicolita Guta, Adrian-Cosmin Cruceru, “3D GRAPHICS AND
International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 5 – 7 July, 2021,
EDULEARN21 Proceedings, Pages: 8811-8819, ISBN: 978-84-09-31267-2 / ISSN: 2340-1117, doi:
10. Dorin Popescu, Horatiu Roibu, Florin-Liviu Manta, Alina-Florentina Ciltan, “Students Learn
Engineering Through Robotics Competition”, 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for
Education in Electrical and Information Engineering - EAEEIE 2021, Prague, 1-4 September,
IEEEXplore, DOI: 10.1109/EAEEIE50507.2021.9530977. WOS:000719282200014
11. Florin Manta, Dorin Popescu, Horatiu Roibu, Marius Marian and Andrei Dragomir, “Integration of a
Newly-Developed Pressure Sensor on Mobile Platforms”, 22nd International Carpathian Control
Conference, ICCC 2021, May 31 – June 1, 2021, Ostrava, Czech Republic, Page 139-144, IEEEXplore,
DOI: 10.1109/ICCC51557.2021.9454651. WOS:000948184600028
12. Horatiu Roibu, Lidia-Cristina Bazavan, Dorin Popescu, Florin Liviu Manta, Alina Florentina Ciltan,
Andrei Roibu, Nicu George Bizdoaca, “Autonomous Navigation System for Robotics Structures
Equipped with Mecanum Wheels”, 30th Annual Conference of the European Association for Education
in Electrical and Information Engineering - EAEEIE 2021, Prague, 1-4 September, IEEXplore, Page 76-
81, DOI: 10.1109/EAEEIE50507.2021.9530888. WOS:000719282200017
13. Dorin Popescu, Horatiu Roibu, Florin-Liviu Manta, Ovidiu Unguritu, Marius Marian, "Design of a
Mobile Robot to Work in Special Environments," 2020 EPE Conference (11th International Conference
and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering), Iasi, Romania, 22-23 octombrie 2020.
14. Marian Abagiu, Dorin Popescu, Florin-Liviu Manta, Livia-Carmen Popescu, "Use of a Deep Neural
Network for Object Detection in a Mobile Robot Application," 2020 EPE Conference (11th International
Conference and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering), Iasi, Romania, 22-23 octombrie 2020.
15. L. F. Manta, D. Popescu, O. Unguritu, H. Roibu, M. Marian and M. Abagiu, "Software Architecture
for a Mobile Robot designed for Rescue Missions Support in Hazardous Environments," 2020 21th
International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), High Tatras, Slovakia, 27-29 octombrie 2020, pp.
1-6, doi: 10.1109/ICCC49264.2020.9257218.
16. M. Marian, M. -T. Georgescu, D. Popescu, F. Stîngă, H. Roibu and F. Manta, "A ROS-based Control
Application for a Robotic Platform Using the Gazebo 3D Simulator," 2020 21th International Carpathian
Control Conference (ICCC), High Tatras, Slovakia, 27-29 octombrie 2020, pp. 1-5, doi:
17. Dorin Popescu, Liviu Florin Manta, Marius Adrian Marian, s.a., Analysis of General and Specific
Requirements for a Mobile Robot to Work in Special Environments, EAEEIE Conference, Ruse, 2019,
ISBN 978-1-7281-3222-8. WOS:000719758500045
18. Dorin Popescu, H. Roibu, s.a., Research as a Part of Education - a Case Study of Engaging Students
in Research Activities, EAEEIE Conference, Ruse, 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-3222-8.
19. Roibu Horatiu, Resceanu Ionut-Cristian, Bizdoaca Nicu-George, Popescu Dorin, s.a., HMI based
multi-role Mechatronic Pick and Place Structure, EAEEIE Conference, Ruse, 2019, ISBN 978-1-7281-
3222-8. WOS:000719758500061
20. Popescu, D (Popescu, Dorin); Roibu, H (Roibu, Horatiu); Copilusi, CP (Copilusi, Cristian Petre);
Rusu, L (Rusu, Ligia); Avramescu, TE (Avramescu, Taina Elena); Zavaleanu, M (Zavaleanu, Mihaela);
Popescu, LC (Popescu, Livia Carmen); Marin, M (Marin, Mihnea); „Functional Testing Procedures and
Results for a Rehabilitation Robotic System”, 2018 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE AND
21. Roibu, H (Roibu, Horatiu); Popescu, D (Popescu, Dorin); Abagiu, MM (Abagiu, Marian-Marcel);
Bizdoaca, NG (Bizdoaca, Nicu-George), „Human-Machine Interfaces for Robotic System Control”, 2018
ISSN 2376-4163, WOS:000487278600002
22. Popescu, R (Popescu, Razvan); Popescu, D (Popescu, Dorin); Roibu, H (Roibu, Horatiu); Popescu,
LC (Popescu, Livia-Carmen), „Smart Classroom - Affective Computing in Present-day Classroom”, 2018
28TH EAEEIE ANNUAL CONFERENCE (EAEEIE), ISSN 2376-4198, WOS:000495079100030
23. Manta, LF (Manta, Liviu Florin); Cojocaru, D (Cojocaru, Dorian); Popescu, D (Popescu,
Dorin); Manta, AG (Manta, Alina Georgiana), “Technical contests as an effective approach to stimulate
youth in STEM education”, 2018 28TH EAEEIE ANNUAL CONFERENCE (EAEEIE), ISSN 2376-
4198, WOS:000495079100014
24. Popescu Dorin, Roibu Horatiu, Copilusi Cristian Petre, Manta Florin Liviu, Popescu Livia Carmen,
„Design and Development of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robotic System”, Proc. of the 19th
International Carpathian Control Conference, mai, 2018, Szilvasvarad, Ungaria, Page 265-270,
IEEEXplore; 978-1-5386-4762-2/18/2018 IEEE. WOS:000439260500051
25. Manta Liviu Florin, Popescu Dorin, Roibu Horatiu, Copilusi Cristian Petre, „Kinematic analysis and
control for upper limb robotic rehabilitation system”, Proc. of the 19th International Carpathian Control
Conference, mai, 2018, Szilvasvarad, Ungaria, Page179-184, IEEEXplore; 978-1-5386-4762-2/18/2018
IEEE. WOS:000439260500036
26. Dorin Popescu, Cristian Petre Copilusi, Horatiu Roibu, Mihnea Ion Marin, Ligia Rusu, Livia Carmen
Popescu, „Upper Limb Motions Analysis for Development of an Upper Limb Rehabilitation Robotic
System”, World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018, iunie 2018, Praga,
editura Springer, in IFMBE Proceedings, volumul 68/2, pag. 797 – 802; https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-
10-9038-7_147. WOS:000449742700147
27. Popescu Dorin, Manta Florin, Rusu Ligia, Avramescu Taina, Zăvăleanu Mihaela, Petrisor Anca,
“Medical and technical requirements analysis for upper limb rehabilitation system”, Proc. of the 18th
International Carpathian Control Conference (ICCC), 2017, pp. 539 – 544, ISBN 978-1-5090-4862-5.
28. Ana Maria Bumbea, Dorin Popescu, s.a., “The occurrence risk of demyelinating lesions in patients
with rheumatoid arthritis and anti-tnf α biological therapy”, Revista FARMACIA, 2017, Vol. 65, 6, pp.
917-922, ISSN 0014-8237 (ISI, IF: 1,348/2016). WOS:000423950800015
29. Popescu D., Roibu H. s.a., „3D Printing for the Development of Robots by the Students”,
Proceedings of the 27th EAEEIE Annual Conference, Grenoble, 7-9 June, 2017. ISSN 2376-4198,
30. Dorin Popescu, Cosmin Berceanu, Razvan Popescu, Marian Abagiu, Livia-Carmen Popescu, Alina
Gidea, Anca Petrisor, “Control Systems for Robotic Gloves”, 20th International Conference on System
Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), October 13-15, 2016, Sinaia, Romania, pp. 342-348, ISBN
978-1-5090-2720-0, IEEE Catalog Number CFP1636P-ART. WOS:000391609900059
31. Dorin Popescu, Mircea Ivanescu, Razvan Popescu, Livia-Carmen Popescu, Anca Petrisor, Ana-
Maria Bumbea, „Post-Stroke Assistive Rehabilitation Robotic Gloves”, 2016 International Conference
and Exposition on Electrical and Power Engineering (EPE 2016), 20-22 October, Iasi, Romania, Page
360-365, IEEE Catalog Number CFP1647S-USB, ISBN 978-1-5090-6128-0. WOS:000390706300073
32. Dorin Popescu, Nirvana Popescu, Mircea Ivanescu, Sorin Manoiu-Olaru, Livia-Carmen Popescu,
„Development of Robotic Gloves for Hand Rehabilitation Post-stroke”, CSCS20 - 20th International
Conference on Control Systems and Computer Science, May 2015, University POLITEHNICA of
Bucharest, Romania, pp. 838 - 844, ISBN 978-1-4799-1779-2, DOI: 10.1109/CSCS.2015.95.
[IEEExplore]. WOS:000380375200122
33. Dorin Popescu, Mircea Ivanescu, Sorin Manoiu-Olaru, Marian-Ionut Burtea, Nirvana Popescu,
”Robotic glove development with application in robotics rehabilitation”, Proc. of 2014 International
Conference on Electrical and Power Engineering, EPE 2014, pp. 168-173, IEEE Catalog
Number CFP1447S-USB, ISBN 978-1-4799-5848-1.
34. Popescu Dorin, Avramescu Taina et.al., „A Web-based E-training Platform for Biomedical
Engineering Education”, Proc. of 2014 International Conference on Electrical and Power Engineering,
EPE 2014, pp. 162-167.
35. Ivanescu, M., Popescu, D., Nitulescu, M., Popescu, N., „Parameter estimation techniques for
a rehabilitation hand exoskeleton”, Proc. of the 18th International Conference System Theory, Control
and Computing (ICSTCC), 2014, pp. 267 – 272.
36. Cojocaru, D., Popescu, D., Tanasie, R.T., Ward, T., “Programme policies in European engineering
higher education system”, ITHET 2014 - 13th International Conference on Information Technology
Based Higher Education and Training, 2014, Article number 7155698, York, UK.
37. Poboroniuc, M., Livint, G., Jackson, N., Cojocaru, D., Popescu, D., Grindei, L., Naaji, A., Ward,
A., “A survey results on existing Electrical and Information Engineering programmes oriented to key
global technical challenge areas”, ITHET 2014 - 13th International Conference on Information
Technology Based Higher Education and Training, 2014, Article number 7155673, York, UK.
38. Popescu Decebal, Popescu Nirvana, Ivanescu Mircea, Popescu Dorin, „A variable structure
controller for a class of hyper-redundant arms”, 11th International Conference on Informatics in
Control, Automation and Robotics (ICINCO), 2014, Volume: 01, 2014, pp. 121 – 126.
39. Cojocaru Dorian, Popescu Dorin et.al., „Educational Policies in European Engineering Higher
Education System - Implementation of a survey”, EDUCON2014 – IEEE Global Engineering
Education Conference, 2014, pp. 229-234.
40. Marian Poboroniuc, Gheorghe Livint, Anna Friesel, Dorian Cojocaru, Dorin Popescu, Laura
Grindei, Antoanela Naaji, Anthony Ward, “Trends and EIE higher education response to the current
global technical challenges”, 25th Annual Conference EAEEIE, 2014, pp. 65-68.
41. Cojocaru Dorian, Popescu Dorin, Tanasie Razvan-Tudor, „Educational Policies in European
Engineering Higher Education System - Best Practice Examples”, 25th Annual Conference EAEEIE,
2014, pp. 13-16.
Lucrări publicate în ultimii 10 ani (2014-2023) în reviste şi volume de conferinţe cu referenţi
Selecţie lucrări în volume de conferinţe
1. Roibu, H., Bazavan, L.-C., Cismaru, S.-I., Popescu, D., Bizdoaca, N.-G., Mechanical Design Of Upper
Limb Exoskeleton Intended To Be Used In A Human-Machine Interface; 2023 17th International
Conference on Engineering of Modern Electric Systems, EMES 2023.
2. Adrian Bogdan Simon-Marinica, Emilian Ghicioi, Nicolae-Ioan Vlasin, Florin Manea and Dorin
Popescu, “Background-oriented Schlieren Technique in Experimental Research Regarding the Effect of
Explosion Pressure”, 10th International Symposium on Occupational Health and Safety, SESAM 2021,
18th October 2021, Online Edition, Petrosani.
3. Popescu D., Cojocaru D., Petrisor A., Popescu L.C., „To Learn Engineering through Competitions”,
Proceedings of the 26th EAEEIE Annual Conference, Copenhagen, 1-3 July, 2015.
4. Popescu D., Stoian V, Petrisor A., Popescu R., „Virtual Engineering for Mechatronics Laboratory”,
Proceedings of the 6th 2015 International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual
Engineering, (COMEC 2015), pag. 316-321, 15-16 octombrie 2015, Brasov, Romania.
5. Popescu D., Berceanu C., Petrisor A., „Mechanical and Actuation Solutions for a Robotic Glove”,
Proceedings of the 6th 2015 International Conference on Computational Mechanics and Virtual
Engineering, (COMEC 2015), pag. 309-315, 15-16 octombrie 2015, Brasov, Romania.
Proiecte de cercetare-dezvoltare în ultimii 10 ani (2014-2023)
Granturi/contracte de cercetare-dezvoltare obţinute prin competiţie internaţională
1. „Strategic Alignment of Electrical and Information Engineering in European Higher Education
Institutions”, program cu finanţare europeană SALEIE, nr. 527877-LLP-1-2012, director din partea
UCV: Prof. dr. ing. Dorin Popescu, 2012-2016.
2. “Practice-based Experiential Learning Analytics Research And Support (PELARS)”, Small or
medium-scale focused research project (STREP), FP7-ICT-2013-11 Objective ICT-2013.8.2
Technology-enhanced Learning Proposal ID: 619738 (internal reference number: SEP-210100839),
Call: FP7-ICT-2013-11, Funding scheme: CP-FP-INFSO, membru in echipa de cercetare: Prof. dr. ing.
Dorin Popescu, 2014-2017.
Proiecte de cercetare-dezvoltare obţinute prin competiţie naţională din poziţia de director de
proiect sau responsabil din partea UCV
3. “Recuperarea activă şi pasivă a membrului inferior” (RAPMI), nr. 610PED/2022. Director proiect: :
Prof. dr. ing. Dorin Popescu, 2022-2024.
4. "Fabricarea, calibrarea şi testarea de sisteme integrate avansate de senzori pentru aplicaţii în
securitate societală" (TESTES), contract nr. 15PCCDI/2018, cod proiect PN-III-P1-1.2-PCCDI-2017-
0172, Proiectul component nr. 3 - "Senzori de presiune mobili pentru monitorizarea undelor de şoc
datorate exploziilor bazaţi pe heterostructuri ceramice - polimerice". Responsabil UCV: Prof. dr. ing.
Dorin Popescu, 2018-2021.
5. “Recuperarea activă şi pasivă a membrului superior” (RAPMES), nr. 109BG/2016. Director proiect:
Prof. dr. ing. Dorin Popescu, 2016-2018.
6. “An intelligent haptic robot glove for the patients suffering a cerebrovascular accident” (IHRG), nr.
150/2012. Responsabil UCV: Prof. dr. ing. Dorin Popescu, 2012-2016.
Proiecte de cercetare-dezvoltare obţinute prin competiţie naţională din poziţia de membru în
echipa de proiect
7. “Proiectarea virtuală a unor aplicaţii mecatronice şi robotice specifice industriei automotive şi
transporturilor”, Proiect de cercetare intre Universitatea din Craiova si SC Avitech CO SRL Bucuresti,
Tema 7, Pol de competitivitate „Automotive Sud-Vest Oltenia”, Programul Operaţional Sectorial
“Creşterea Competitivităţii Economice” “Investiţii pentru viitorul dumneavoastră”, Proiect nr.
P09003/1138/ 31.03.2014,Cod SMIS: 50139, Perioada de desfasurare: 01.04.2014-31.12.2015,
membri: Dorin Popescu etc.
8. „Sistem modular inteligent de calibrare / verificare metrologică a parametrilor de timp și distanţă
pentru transportul urban, cu asistenţă robotizată și funcţionalităţi IoT – SMARTTEST” – POC121456 -
Perioada de desfasurare: 2021-2023, membri: Dorin Popescu etc.
S-a lansat apelul privind digitalizarea în educație finanțat prin PCIDIFhttps://www.fonduri-structurale.ro/stiri/32563/s-a-lansat-apelul-privind-digitalizarea-in-educatie-finantat-prin-pcidif
Lansarea în consultare publică a Ghidului solicitantului pentru apelul „Pedagogie digitală pentru cadrele didactice din învățământul preuniversitarhttps://www.edu.ro/comunicat_presa_05_2024 _cons_pub_GS_apel_PNRR_pedagogie_digitala